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Sunday, November 25, 2012

using our talents

What is it to raise kids if we do not instill our beliefs and values in them? And how do we know we are in fact instilling them? By making it a part of their lives. Kids will never learn to swim or ride a bike unless time is dedicated to these pursuits. They are not a given.

It has been slowly dawning on me ( I don't need a picture for this one, Dad ;)!) that our efforts at teaching our kids about the big picture of life and the details of our Catholic Faith need to go to the next level. We integrate our faith in God with our day and our kids get some education, but I realized there were some gaps forming. Thus, our family Sunday school with Dad. :)

This morning my husband started going through the history of salvation, that is, the Bible. We have a beautifully written kids version which helps. But, here is the kicker: my husband is a philosophy major. This was something I wanted him to do with them because I spend more time with them and so, they get more of the integrating part from me. With this new forum, they get the benefit of Dad's knowledge and we are setting up a habit where we talk about the detailed fullness of our Catholic Faith so that as they get older and have more questions, it will seem normal to bring them up. We all know we cannot love something or someone we don't know.

So often we think of using our talents for the greater good of society which is a beautiful thing. But if we neglect using them for our children, who are our greatest gift and responsibility, we need to redirect them! My husband has a beautiful mind. It is one of the things I love about him and which set him apart for me. I am so glad he is sharing it with our kids.

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