There are so many ideas filling my mind this morning. What to share? What to hold back? I hope you aren't tired of it all. Yes, we go through phases of that because it is HARD WORK! (Mom, you always made it look so relaxing!) On top of that, I have been sick, and nursing sick children. You too I am sure. My house is a disaster because of it. You too? :) I'm so very glad to have a day to do the best of things: listen to Classical Christmas music on
pandora, bake cookies, have a present wrapping date with my husband tonight with wine! It reminds me of the song,
People Look East one of my favorite Advent ( season before Christmas) songs. Yes, I prefer Classical music still, although I am in good company because I also love
Feliz Navidad, a local favorite. :) I've been looking at house tours for Christmas and like to find people whose style I admire and see what they do. So, why not share some of mine? Luckily, close-ups don't show the toys I've moved aside. haha!
This is a wonderfully cool wooden puzzle and if you look closely, some of the pieces are carved into little figures like reindeer, a toy soldier and santa's sleigh.
My tweaked mantle. Wish me luck because we are doing the Nativity play at our friends' house for Christmas Eve with Carols intertwined and I have some practicing to do! :)
And lastly, a place to have sugar plums dance in my head.
But, the along with the mirth, I've been thinking of a present decorating trend. Words. Haven't you seen more meaningful words framed, on pillows, for the home? St. John, the youngest Apostle, the
one whom Jesus loved, writes,
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him... What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race ( Jn 1:1-4). So on Christmas, we will celebrate this everlasting Word, the first and last Word, the Alpha and the Omega, the definitive Word, the only one with meaning and truth in its completeness that illumines our minds and inflames our hearts. As we draw nearer to words that help to give meaning to our lives, we draw nearer to
the Word, who
became flesh, and dwelt among us (
Angelus, traditional Noontime Catholic prayer). What will the Word say to each of us on Christmas. Let's take time to listen.
Have a wonderful day and Merry Christmas friends!