Sometimes I am with ya! I feel great, healthy, energized, ready to take on the world! It's almost Thanksgiving, and then Christmas! It's a magical time of year! Bring on the laundry. The meals. The shopping. The homework. The sports. The reading. The tantrums! I'm ready!
Now is not that time. It's amazing how I forget how much my thyroid, or lack of, affects me. Pregnancy and post-partum changes affect me dramatically. I was talking with a friend who also has young kids who just got part of hers removed and we could totally relate to each other. Anxiety runs high, patience runs low, and you can feel like crying altogether too often all the while wondering why your body keeps chugging along to climb the mountain only to sputter out once you're at the top. Blood draws show levels of functionality, but the feeling of being "off" is something you just can't put your finger on or entirely explain. As a woman waiting for the doctor the other day put it, "it's (thyroid) where your emotions are." And emotions are (almost) everything.
So we try to fight it. Try to fix it. And it's a losing battle. And so finally, I decide to just lose. I am not ready to take on the world right now. But I sure as hell can relish the little joys of life. In the end, those are the big things anyway. Sometimes when you lose, you win.
Have a great day!