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Sunday, October 28, 2012

this time of year

It's there just something about this time of year? The weather turns cooler ( even down here!) and we turn inward. We think of memories, of creating memories, of reconnecting, of hunkering down in our own little nest.

And we take the time to just be. This can be a challenge when one dear little one is sick and hubby is out of town for business and there is no backyard to send the others out to for physical relief. ;) But that desire is still there, reminding us of the grand fact of existence. Being.

In the midst of this being, the boys and I worked on some house (ghosts)

and school projects.

(sorry that's sideways. I'm technically challenged)
That painting has been an eye sore to me for years because there was just something about the black rim that drove me nuts. So, I am painting the entire thing gold, and boy does it lighten it up and really make it pop! Yay for finally working toward a resolution to THAT problem. ( I am working at lightening up my long-neglected bedroom with new colors that really invite and cheer. More on that to come as Christmas rolls around when I can put my plans into action.)
This turkey is made of things my son is grateful for, and it was fun to not only take time to think of these things, but to take the time to put them in art form. There are so many things to be thankful for!

Have a wonderful Sunday of just being. It's one of the best part of life!

Friday, October 19, 2012

follow up

So, I proposed some big questions last time. I thought I'd better follow up rather than leave that one isolated.

I pray every day. And what I mean by this is talking to God, one-on-one. I find that without this dialogue, my mind gets crowded; I start acting according to inertia rather than putting the values I hold dear into practice.

If you don't pray, I hope you give it a try. And if you want to but don't know how, just tell Him. He's part of the conversation, too. :)

Have a wonderful day, friends!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

its always been a matter of trust

Hello my friends.
How much do we trust the closest people in our lives? I don't mean the base-line of trust; for example, fidelity between spouses. I mean the kind of trust where we are able to tell someone what we are thinking or feeling at a given moment with no fear of embarrassment or of a lack of loyalty. And are there people who can come to us with that same type of privileged and intimate information?

As some of you know, relationships are my thing. They are fascinating. Because they are everything. Friendship has an inherent power in it. In being known and understood, it frees one to be oneself. It gives confidence to chase dreams and address reality.

The depth of our human friendships can also tell us about another friendship, that which we have with God. Chances are if we are hiding from others, we are hiding from Him. Why would we do that? What is the image we hold of Him? It musn't be the one of Him on the Cross...

Off to soccer! Have a great day!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

warmth of home

fireplace mantel in clear finish


Self-sacrifice is the fuel one must burn to keep a home warm.
Juan Luis Lorda

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

decisions and more

This is a quick post, sharing a gem of a book with you all. It is called The Four Cardinal Virtues and the link to it is here . I've not only read this book many times, I have studied it for a book club, and I find it in my path once again. There are so very many well-informed people who still struggle with making decisions. There are, after all, so many factors, and very real consequences. I think this alone makes the book worth reading because it starts with a chapter on Prudence, the virtue of being able to make a good decision ( not cowardliness, which it is often equated with nowadays). I must mention, though, that it doesn't give you examples or a check-list, which frustrates some people. It is more of the over-arching theory, but it is wonderful. The other virtues are obviously important, too. ;)

I find the study and practice of universal virtues making a come-back. After all, they direct ones life and interactions with others. I was just talking with an acquaintance who is now communicating this need as a career and am myself on the verge of breaking them down for children. I think if real goodness isn't presented at a young age, the glittering trinkets of young adulthood are taken for goodness itself. It's my way of engaging the intelligence of young people in considering their own actions, a tool they will need far more than the knowledge of subjects.

Ok, the teacher ;) needs to get to today's homework. Haha! Have a great day!